Information cookies and browsing the website

(with traffic analyzers)



This information is provided to individuals who access and consult the TORINO DISTILLATI SPA website, in accordance with art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and art. 13 EU Regulation 679/2016 “European Regulation on the protection of personal data”.


Identity of the Holder (Data controller)

This web site is operated by TORINO DISTILLATI SPA, with headquarters in Via Montegrappa 37-10024 Moncalieri (TO). The data controller ensures the security, privacy and protection of personal data they possess, at any stage of their processing.

The personal data collected are used in accordance with Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and EU Regulation 679/2016.


It was not designated the DPO.


Purpose of data processing

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal work, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified users, but by their very nature could, through processing and associations with data held by third parties, identify users. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​of requested resources, time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size of the response, the numerical code indicating the status of response from the server (successful, error ..) and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information about the site and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical crimes against the site. Use of the site and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing.


Legal Base of Data processing

The use of technical cookies is a processing carried out in the legitimate interest of the holder; the use of analytical cookies is carried out with the consent of the user.


Data Recipients

The data controller does not communicate any data or person’s identifiable information to third parties except, as appropriate  as necessary, to those involved as suppliers for the provision of services related to the management of the internet site and the consequent management of the contract and related administrative requirements.


Data Transfer

The data controller does not transfer personal data to third countries or international organizations.
Data retention

The data controller keeps the data for the time required to obtain anonymous statistics about the use of the site and to check its correct functioning. The data is deleted immediately after processing.


Rights of the User

With reference to art. 7 Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and Articles 15 – right of access, 16 – right of rectification, 17 – right to cancellation, 18 – right to the limitation of the data controller, 20 – right to portability, 21 – right of opposition, 22 right of opposition to automated decision-making process of the EU Regulation 679 / 2016, the person concerned exercises its rights by writing to the address above of the data controller, or by e-mail, specifying the object of his application, the right that wishes to refer to and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting the legitimacy of the request.


Withdrawal of consent

With reference to art. 23 Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and art. 6 GDPR 679/16, the interested party may withdraw consent at any time.


Filing of Complaint

The interested party has the right to complain to the control authority of the state of residence.
Refusal to provide data

The interested party may refuse to grant the holder its navigation data. To do so, he must disable cookies by following the instructions provided by his browser. Disabling cookies may worst navigation and use of the functionality of the site.


Automated Decision Making

The Data controller does not perform data processing that consists in automated decision-making.



Cookie Types

Cookies are pieces of information placed on your browser when you visit a website or using a social network with your PC, smartphone or tablet. Each cookie contains various data such as, for example, the name of the server from which it comes, a numeric identifier, etc. Cookies can remain in the system for the duration of a session (that is, until you close the browser used for web browsing) or for long periods and may contain a unique identifier.


Technical Cookies

Some cookies are used to perform computer authentication, session tracking and storing specific information about users who log on to a web page. These cookies, so called technical, are often useful because they can make faster and easier the navigation and use of the web, because they intervene to facilitate certain procedures when you shop online, when you login to restricted access areas, or when a website recognizes the language that you use usually automatically. A particular type of cookie, called analytics, are used by the operators of websites to collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and how they visit the same site, and then prepare general statistics about the service and its use.


Profiling Cookies

Other cookies may instead be used to track and profile users while browsing, study their movements and web consultation habits and consumption (what they buy, what they read, etc.), also in order to send targeted advertising for specific services (cd Behavioural Advertising). We speak in this case of profiling cookies. It may happen that a web page contains cookies from other sites, also within various other elements hosted on the same page, such as banner ads, images, videos, etc. These are known as third-party cookies, which are usually used for profiling purposes. Given the special invasiveness that profiling cookies (especially those from third parties) may have within the private sphere of the users, Italian and European legislation require that the user be properly informed on their use and acknowledges the insertion of cookies on his terminal.


Cookies used

The site uses cookies to make services of its website as simple and efficient as possible for the user. Users who access the site will receive some very small amounts of information in their devices in use, whether they are computers or mobile devices, in the form of small text files, “cookies” in fact, stored in the directories used by their browser. Cookies used by allow you to:

– store browsing preferences,

– avoid re-enter the same information multiple times,

– analyze the use of services and content provided by the site to optimize the browsing experience.

The site uses Google Analytics or Shynistat. In this case, the information generated by cookies on this site are transmitted to Google Inc. or Triboo Data Analytics Ltd. and stored on its servers. These data recipients use this information to produce reports on website activity for the Holder or other subjects entitled by the Holder. You can reject the navigation data transfer by selecting the appropriate settings on the browser. In this regard, please refer to the information posted on Google’s website and the additional component of the browser to the Google Analytics Opt or This choice, however, may prevent you from using all the functionality of the site. On the contrary, accepting the use of cookies as described above and continuing browsing, the user lends free and unconditional consent to the processing of personal data by the committee and Google Inc. or Triboo Data Analytics Ltd. in the manner and for the above mentioned purposes. From the moment the user clicks on any icons of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram etc., it is directed to their sites and receives these cookies that are not under the control of the owner. Finally, if the user comes to the site after clicking on a banner ad posted on another site, he should know that the manager of the advertising network has allocated the necessary cookies to detect the throughput and the amount of any purchases made. Responsibility for the management of these cookies is the advertising network manager for which information is usually available on its corporate website.



Short notice for cookies (with Analytics)

This site does not use its own profiling cookies or from other sites. Technical cookies are used to allow an easier use of some of the site’s features and Google Analytics (or Shyinistat or other web traffic analyzers) to improve the site’s features. The detailed information about browsing this site can be viewed by clicking on “Privacy Policy” button. By following the links provided in the Notice you will learn how to disable Google Analytics (or Shynistat or other web traffic analyzers). To disable cookies follow the technical indications of the browser in use. By pressing the “OK” button you explicitly consent the use of cookies and navigational data communication to third parties (Google Analytics or Shynistat or others).